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Types of Dementia and Progression

Classifications of Dementia

There are four main classifications of dementia:

  • Cortical Dementia: Characterized by damage primarily affecting the brain's cortex, leading to issues with memory, language, and communication.
  • Subcortical Dementias: Impacting brain areas beneath the cortex, resulting in symptoms such as movement difficulties, memory problems, and impaired decision-making.
  • Primary Dementia: Arises from a single disease, with Alzheimer’s disease being a common example.
  • Secondary Dementia: Caused by physical illness or brain injury.

In some cases, individuals may have mixed dementia, where characteristics of more than one type of dementia are present. The most prevalent form of mixed dementia combines Alzheimer’s disease and Vascular Dementia.

Progression of Dementia

Dementia is a progressive condition, meaning symptoms worsen over time:

  • Progression varies individually, with each person experiencing dementia uniquely.
  • While common symptoms include memory issues and communication difficulties, the severity of these symptoms differs among individuals.
  • Not all individuals will exhibit every symptom associated with dementia.